
Case BCC: Customer survey analysis with AI

BCC is a prominent Dutch retailer mainly selling consumer electronics. With more than 60 stores, over 1500 employees and their motto ‘High service, low pricing’, they emphasize their focus on excellent service. Customers experiences form a significant part of this excellent service; therefore, BCC tries to monitor these experiences with customer satisfaction surveys.


To guarantee or when needed, improve, the quality of their service, it is crucial to properly understand how customers experience all aspects of this service. Using customer satisfaction surveys is a way to collect this relevant information. Many different customer satisfaction surveys are used to map multiple different aspects of the customer experience. These surveys, in which both open and multiple-choice questions are provided, deliver BCC thousands of answers per week. This leads to an immense amount of data, especially for the answers to open questions. However, these answers are extremely valuable because they provide customer feedback. Therefore, BCC tried looking for solutions which made automatization of this process possible.

Customers’ open answers tell the true story, their actual experience. It is important to make these answers insightful and to react in a proactive way.

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is Schermafbeelding-2021-05-06-om-13.50.06-1024x511.png

Image: dashboard (all data is fictive)


Squadra Machine Learning Company has developed a smart algorithm which is able to analyze textual answers and aggregate the most frequently mentioned topics. This algorithm is based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, which are applied in the domain of Topic Modelling. Every week, new customer satisfaction surveys are analyzed and subsequently presented to BCC in a clear and interactive dashboard. This dashboard presents all relevant information and highlights the most frequently mentioned topics based on the analysis of open answers. Answers to both open and multiple-choice questions are presented, with diverse filter- and drillthrough possibilities. In this way, all aspects of the surveys can be researched.


Thanks to the smart algorithm and the accessory dashboard of Squadra Machine Learning Company, BCC is now able to receive an insightful and actual overview of their customers’ experiences. Ratings measured by numbers or multiple-choice answers are informative, but far from as informative as open answers. This information is now finally available for BCC, so now they can improve some difficulties or focus on what is going well already. Since the survey analysis happen weekly, the company is also able to measure the effect of their new measures and procedures by customer reactions.

The Customer Satisfaction Analysis is offered as a service which can be presented via the dashboarding tool.
For more information or to request a demo, please contact us via / +31 (0)85 065 3780