In this blog you will discover how AI powered tool PowerEnrich provides valuable insights into LCA, EPD and PEP files and how smart scraping can help retailers and wholesalers achieve their sustainability goals.
What are LCA, EPD and PEP files?
The PowerEnrich tool from Squadra: Machine Learning Company scrapes LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) and PEP (Product Environmental Profile) files. This essential data helps to measure and understand the ecological impact. They provide valuable information on processes such as raw material sourcing, transportation, consumption and waste disposal to help assess environmental impact. By smartly scraping these files, well-considered decisions and more sustainable choices can be made.
Why are these files important for sustainability?
LCA, EPD en PEP bestanden dragen op meerdere niveaus bij aan duurzaamheid. Ze stellen retailers en groothandels in staat om hun impact op het milieu te kwantificeren, trends te identificeren en gerichte verbeteringen aan te brengen. Door de gegevens in deze bestanden te analyseren kunnen bedrijven hun maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid aantonen en voldoen aan de groeiende vraag van consumenten naar duurzame producten.
What is the benefit of smart scraping with PowerEnrich?
Processing large volumes of LCA, EPD and PEP files can be time consuming and complex. PowerEnrich provides an automated solution that can scrape, analyze and summarize these files at scale. The insights obtained with smart scraping can be used in various ways. For example, the information can be integrated into retailer product descriptions, enabling consumers to make more informed choices. Companies can also strengthen their vision of their social responsibility by being transparent about sustainability efforts.
By using the data in purchasing decisions and improving product lifecycles, wholesalers and retailers can make a significant positive sustainable impact. Deploying PowerEnrich saves valuable time and enables companies to quickly gain insight into their environmental impact and potential areas for improvement to achieve their sustainability goals.
Do you see the benefits of smart scraping?
Do you see the added value of LCA, EPD and PEP files, but is there simply no time to analyze and process these files? Our AI solution PowerEnrich does that for you! With smart scraping, you only have to worry about how you will use the insights obtained for your company. Contact Squadra: Machine Learning Company and discover what PowerEnrich can do for your company!
Industry (generic) EPDs cover a broad product type, such as concrete or wood, and can be used as a weighted industry average; while the product-specific EPDs only relate to a product from a specific manufacturer.
Web scraping is the process of using bots to extract content and data from a website. Web scraping also extracts underlying HTML codes and thus data stored in a database.
Yes, you cannot create an EPD without performing an LCA. An EPD is subject to a verification process.